Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Life Will Be So Dark and Drury - (A Goodbye Post to Josue)

The time has come.

It was only a month and a half ago when Josue Bolaños and I put our heads together and the Pundamentalist was born in the heart of BHS. Pure ingenuity and a very small amount of talent allowed us to craft the blog that so many have come to love.  Ever since that day, the blog has become ragingly popular with an overwhelming population of followers (shoutout to Ethan).

Through the sloppiest puns to the planet's most clever puns, the Pundamentalist has provided internet addicts far and wide (North and South Bentonville) with cheap, wholesome entertainment that can't be found anywhere else. And that's what makes this blog so special.

You see, with the temptation of Google along with numerous Laffy Taffy wrappers, online punning could be a breeze. But we call that cheating. Josue and I are all original and fresh, with no preservatives or artificial flavoring, high calcium, and a pinch of Vitamin B12.

But none of this could have happened if it weren't for one of the punniest, most clever, kindest, coolest, most laid-back, most honorable, most good-looking (I hope he's paying me to say all of this), most dynamic, most talented, classiest people at BHS: Nick Cude.

I'm kidding. It's Josue Bolaños. But really, he's been the mastermind behind endless hilarious puns and posts that, for once, other people besides us actually think are funny. He's been the inspiration. The heart. The backbone of this blog. More than that, Josue's been a great friend and mentor. He's always looking on the bright side of things and making others happy through his caring actions.

Today was the last day of school for Seniors, and Josue is booking it out of high school and will soon be heading off to Drury University. With college, ladies, his future, adulthood, studying, and ladies in mind, manning the Pundamentlist will be very difficult. So unfortunately, with graduation from high school comes graduation from humorous blogging. Who the next co-Pundamentalist will be, we're not sure of yet. But it'll be hard to fill the shoes of the stud(ent) Josue. He may make an official farewell post soon. Hopefully.

Good luck in the future and at college! Through this blog and our friendship, I and many others have senior kindness and humor at its best. If the Pundamentalist ever sells t-shirts, you'll get a deskount. It'll be real dark and Drury here for a bit... and if you want to keep blogging then that'school too. Your influence will forever live in the hearts of Pundamentalist readers.


Nick Cude